Estate Management
Residential Estates are ever growing in popularity as they offer safety, privacy and lifestyle considerations. Core focus areas for residential estates are the safety of its residents, and the quality of facilities and environment within its management control.
The holistic nature of estate management necessitates a thorough view of all variables, centralised onto a single management solution, creating a dynamic approach to ensuring all operational considerations are met and carefully managed.
There are multiple objectives which need to be considered to maintain the security and quality of an estate which include:
Physical Security Management such as Security Technologies and Incident / Occurrence Reporting
Security Service Provider Management including Alarm Monitoring, Service Level Agreement Management, Guarding considerations, Compliance Reporting & Non-Conformance Remediation
Management of Estate By-Laws such as Speed Control, Estate Specific Policies, Noise Control and Building Regulations
Resident Access & Egress Control
Visitor Management and Integration to VMS Platforms
Contractor Management
Reporting and Management of Estate Maintenance such as street light faults, potholes, landscaping requirements etc.
The different modules within CiiMS provides a platform from where all objectives listed above and multiple others can be managed with ease. Configurability allows for every estate to manage their environments in line with their specific ‘Estate DNA’.