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Health & Safety

Health and Safety management within an organisation is an ever-evolving function which needs to be managed with care and diligence. With a wide scope of legislative considerations and implications, organisations need to ensure compliance.


More importantly, organisations have an obligation to ensure the safety of people within their care. A central health and safety platform where both the safety of people and compliance to legislation is key. In line with these areas, fundamental objectives need to be managed.


These objectives include:

  • The reporting of Incidents / Events such as Incidents on Duty (IOD’s), Near Misses and Non Compliances

  • Incident Management in terms policy and process flow

  • Structured & Scheduled HSE Checklists and Assessments

  • Risk Identification, Control Failures and Mitigation related to Health and Safety

  • Compliance failures and Remedial Actions

  • Health and Safety Procedure Management including Standard Operating Procedures & Service Level Agreements

  • Document Control of policies and procedures such as policy revisions, evacuation plans, and assessment criteria

  • Recording of Meetings & Minutes


With the ability to structure the application to incorporate legislative requirements, scheduled HSE assessments, and other objectives, CiiMS assists in the management of Health and Safety in an effective and efficient manner. The configurability of CiiMS also ensures that the organisation’s specific objectives and polices are catered for, allowing for a holistic approach to Health and Safety Management.

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